Dear Friends,
All of us aspire to be Free from financial obligation especially if you stumbled upon our community here. Everyone that comes here is on the brink of a financial break through.
The difference between the wealthy and the Poor is the way in which they think.
Before we get into our featured presentation we’d like to share with you 10 ways in which the wealthy think differently then the middle class & poor
1) Tell people what they need to know (stop waring a mask)
2) Create your own dreams don’t let someone else create your dreams for you
3) Eliminate negative people
4) be selfless and help people solve their problems
5) You must change to grow
6) Learn what you need to learn so you can move on (Never give up)
7) Delegate responsibility don’t try to micromanage everything (Don’t care who gets the credit)
8) We don’t always have more time (STOP THINKING THAT WAY)
9) There is abundance nothing is scarce (Think Win Win) There is more than enough for everyone
Enjoy the Video we know you’ll love it we did
If your looking for that book that can take you to that next step in your personal development. Look no further then Roberts book Rich Dad Poor Dad
Oprah Interviews Robert Kiyosaki on How the Rich Think Differently
Click here to learn more about our Rich Dad Education Forex Online Training!
2 comments to ““How do the rich think?””
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edy - May 1, 2015 at 6:26 am
Very wealthy information here my friend!
I personally read the book of Rich Dad Poor Dad, it is so far the best book that unlock my entrepreneur potential and think rich.
Hope more people to see your recommendation here
Brian - May 1, 2015 at 12:02 pm
Thank you so much Eddy for your feedback and joining our community so glad you enjoyed the book certainly is a masterpiece for personal development. as we know The mindset is essential for all creation. Stay blessed