Expense Reduction Procurement App


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The Problem

How does it feel to know that by dealing directly with vendors it creates a win-lose situation?


In order for you as the purchaser of the product or service to pay less the vendor must lose and in order for the vendor to win you the purchaser must lose.

Doing business like this is not only costly from a monetary standpoint but also is extremely time consuming in order to keep your vendors from adding extra fat on to your bills.


Each vendor or broker you are currently using is one dimensional.

They do Electric, or merchant services or telecom, or financial services, or office supplies etc.

Each vendor or broker needs to make their entire income, to support their families, on only one product or service.

Dont you think that adds extra un-needed costs to your bottom line directly eating away at your hard earned profits?

Now imagine how it would feel to have someone in your corner keeping all the vendors and brokers honest.

Actually looking out for you and protecting your bottom line. Creating an atmosphere that when, you win, we win.


What kind of value would this bring to your organization?

How much would you be willing to invest to know that all prices on your services & products are always up to date & the most competitive in the industry?

Now, what if this service was offered to you at no charge?

3d Männchen win win


The Solution


We have designed the world’s first all in one smart procurement application for your mobile device.

Download Here

Where ever, when ever, you want to procure your expenses you can now take advantage & access the power of our revolutionary live reverse auction platform conveniently on your mobile device.


We will reduce your expenses up to 30% at no cost to you,


Get Started




“Vendors Compete You Win”

We have had tremendous success with our existing clients and look forward to working one on one with you

Follow our process & you are GUARANTEED to create more freedom of your time & money

7 Steps to FREEDOM:

1) Create Free Client Account

2) Create PDFs/images of bills/quotes

3) Upload PDF/image Files to your new client account
4) Receive Pricing after reverse auction concludes (3-4 Business Days)
5) Start Saving up to 30%
6) Implement the strategies to Increase monthly Cash Flow
7) Financial Freedom Created

You have nothing to loose and Freedom to gain

Take the Freedom Creator Challenge today, our system is guaranteed to perform, if you follow our 7 steps & we don’t save you money &/or help you make more money our founder will personally pay you $100 for your time.

More Details…


Don’t worry our vendors are not ever losing. This is what makes our process extra powerful.

Every relationship we build is created in the spirit of a win-win situation for all party’s involved because we know those are the only relationships that can last the test of time.


The win for our vendors is that we provide an opportunity for them to earn our clients business & have the competitive edge of knowing what their new customer aquistion cost is up front before any investment of capital.


Love what you hear & want to generate additional profits by distributing our revolutionary solution to the marketplace?

We have a state of the art affiliate program that allows for our distributors to earn residual passive income distributing our solutions to clients.

To Join and get the process started create your free client account by clicking here once your account is created click on the affiliate back office tab in the main menu then follow the directions as prompted.


Now that you have an affiliate organization with the FFC you are ready to generate residual passive income by Introducing clients who reduce their expenses through our reverse auction platform using your Affiliate ID.

Affiliates can use our application & procurement process for their clients resulting in additional income streams that previously were impossible to manage.


Create your Affiliate ID & start helping people reduce their expenses & increase their income.

How to make an extra $100k part time with Freedom Creator


Extremely interested?

Have additional questions?

Want to set up a time to speak with us directly?

Go to FFC.Chat

Ready to Get started?

Click Here



Get Started



“Freedom Lies within, to create it’s, not about us it’s about them”

About the author: Freedom Creator

6 comments to “Expense Reduction Procurement App”

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  1. John Gaddis - July 31, 2016 at 12:52 pm Reply

    Very interesting concept. It adds another dimension to the help and be helped concept of business. It seems like an great way to help keep your bottom line down with out anyone else losing money either.

    I also enjoyed the information presented in the video. I bookmarked the link for further research when I am ready to use such a service.

    Thanks again for the insightful article.


  2. Travis Smithers - July 31, 2016 at 5:51 pm Reply

    Like the idea of keeping the vendors competitive as the ones we have for phone, cable, etc. like to keep slipping in extra costs as you pay for the services they provide.

    So I take it there are no contracts, and you’re just doing a monthly plan so you can switch providers if they don’t match the competition?

    • Brian Klock - August 22, 2016 at 3:32 am Reply

      thanks for your feedback Travis. Every situation is different it depends upon the service. In circumstances of contracts we will maintain the procurement process through the contract term and get the most Competitve rates available once the contract term is over. Download our app at http://FFC.how you will be very happy you did

  3. Ben - August 22, 2016 at 5:48 am Reply

    Wow this is brilliant solution to a very common problem. I personally would be interested in the affiliate part of the Freedom Creator, becuase I have a website in the niche of helping people in business, whether online or offline. I will make sure to check out the app and the affiliate opportunities it represents.

    • Brian Klock - August 22, 2016 at 9:44 am Reply


      thank you for your kind words.

      I look forward to seeing you in our affiliate program. Let me know if you have any questions. If you want to speak with us go to http://FFC.chat to set up sometime in our schedule for a live tutorial walk through of our platform.

      Stay blessed


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