Expense Reduction Procurement App-Download Our App The Problem How does it feel to know that by dealing directly with vendors it creates a win-lose situation? In order for you as the purchaser of the product or service to pay less the vendor must lose and in order for the vendor to win you the purchaser must lose. Doing […]
What is the Financial Freedom Creator?-Get Started Financial Freedom Creator May we ask you a question? Are you the type of business owner interested in reducing your expenses & increasing your cashflow? Interesting Now we don’t know if we can help you yet but if there was even the slightest possibility We could; it would make sense to at […]
Four Resources That Freed Me Financially in 2015-I feel so very blessed to have the pleasure of sharing this with you today on New Years Eve. 2016 is going to be a Milestone year. I am going to start it off by revealing two major things in this article that I pray will bring you tremendous benefit and add value to your life […]
The Importance of Saving Money-The importance of the universal law of saving can not be emphasized enough. We all know we should be saving, so much so, it almost sounds cliché at this point, but when we look at the statistics and see that 76% of people are living paycheck to paycheck, It becomes very clear that a vast majority […]
What is a mastermind?-What is a mastermind? A Mastermind is a universal law which states all sentient beings who align themselves in a group of 2-13 with the same definite chief aim will create a mind outside the group. Hence the name “mastermind” What does utilizing the law of the mastermind accomplish?
20 Steps for Financial Freedom-What is the blueprint for wealth? I get asked this often. It’s usually right after I make a statement like wealth is a guarantee if you follow the blueprint. I say blueprint because its a mindset that creates habits that creates wealth. Nothing more nothing less. So I made a promise to one of my good friends that I would […]
How To Save Money?-What we have found, as of now, the best way to save money, without cutting quality, is to find the true value of the service or product in question. In order to find the true market value of any product or service we need to make the vendors compete. This allows us to find out […]
Top 5% of Influencers In the world-Our Founder Brian Klock has been recognized as being amongst the top 5% of all influencers in the world with a Klout score of 60 Klout.com/brianklock_ & a Klear score of 65. Brian Klock first made his appearance public in October 2015 and in less than a year finds himself in the Top 5% of all […]
Daily Success Coaching Strategies-You will want to consider the fact that there are some strategies that you will need to use for things that happen in your daily life. There are a lot of stress and anxieties that you will have throughout a day. You will need to learn how to overcome your stress and how to overcome […]
Power of Passive Income-We have all been lied to. For years and years, we have been told the wrong message on how to go about building something for ourselves. I think a majority of people have heard the saying “Go to school and get good grades so you can work for a good company and make a lot […]
How to Apply What We Learn to Our Life?-We will find that it is very important that we start thinking about the future. The future holds a lot of possibility, but we also have to prepare ourselves for the worst. We will need to think about things like our desires, our future, and our finances (both present and future). The goal that most […]
How to put your own success first in your mind-It is hard these days to think of us and put our goals first. However, we need to realize that we are important and what we do today is going to affect what we do tomorrow. There is no way that we should let others get in our way of being the great success that […]
How A Success Happens Overnight-You always hear a lot of celebrities that just seem to become and overnight success, but it’s not exactly how it happened. Maybe the celebrity did small roles for years in movies that you loved, but you never knew it. The thing is that no one becomes an overnight success. Yes, you may wake up […]
How to find out the key challenges you face as a business owner?-There are a lot of obstacles and challenges that you are going to have to face as a business owner. You will need to make sure that you think about some of the goals that you have for yourself and the goals that you have as the business owner. You will need to keep your […]
Success & motivational strategies in life-You have to keep in mind there are many things you can do with motivation. With the proper inspiration, you will be able to encourage your children, your mate, and even your workers. You will want to keep this in mind when it comes to the business world. You will want to think about the […]
8 Simple Steps to Improve Time Management-Are you an individual who cant seem to properly manage your time? If you are having problems at home or at work, there is a good chance that your problems may be caused by your inability to properly manage your time. The good news, however, is that there are a number of steps that you […]
10 ways to empower our communication-10 ways to Empower Our Communication There is so much to know about conversation that anyone, even I, could ever realize. You can go though watching talk shows; radio programs; clubs dedicated to public speaking; ordinary conversations; certain rules still apply when it comes to interaction through words. It may sound tedious, I know, […]
How to Succeed in Business by Failing-How to Succeed in Business by Failing Anybody who has ever tried to do something amazing has most likely failed. Abraham Lincoln failed multiple times in running for political office. Donald Trump has failed multiple times in business. As has Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet, Richard Branson and many other extremely successful people. What do they […]
Psychology of Money-Psychology of Money Why has money come under such scrutiny lately? If anybody watches Billions on Showtime, you may remember Bobby Axelrod saying “When did it become a crime to succeed in this country?”
What Is Imagination?- THE IMPORTANCE OF IMAGINATION Ideas and imagination are associated with achievement. When individuals use their imagination, they come up with ideas along the lines of work that they are passionate about. There are many tasks at hand to accomplish once you reach adulthood. With the tasks comes a pile of bills which can only be met with money. […]
How To Become An Effective Leader?-So you want to become an effective leader? The most effective way to becoming a leader is first taking the initiative. Your most likely wondering what do initiative and leadership have to do with each other. The answer is…
What Is Self Esteem?- What Is Self Esteem? Self Esteem is measured by how much a person feels they are living up to their full potential. How to build self esteem?
What Is A Definite Chief Aim?-What is a definite chief aim? A definite chief aim utilizes the universal law that states the mind creates what it thinks about most. What we focus on Grows How do we create our definite chief aim?
How to Invest Money Wisely?-How to Invest Money Wisely? This a great question and a very common one that is constantly asked by our members in the community and people I come across throughout day to day life. My typical response sounds something like buy when others are selling and sell when others are buying. Pretty straightforward and obvious; […]
Top Financial Advisors- This is a great question. Who are the top financial advisors? Who should I trust with my hard earned money to make sure it doesn’t run out before I die? If you ask Barron’s they will tell you Shelley Bergman from Morgan Stanley or Steven Hefner from Wells Fargo.
What is Financial Power of Attorney?- What is financial power of attorney? Financial power of attorney is when a person signs over their power to make financial decisions to another person.
Overcoming the 6 basic fears-So now that we have identified and recognize the symptoms we are going to dissociate ourselves from all that negative self-talk.
Symptoms of the 6 Basic Fears-1) Fear of Poverty Here are the symptoms identified by Napoleon Hill Indifference lack of ambition tolerance for poverty mental and physical laziness lack of initiative, imagination, enthusiasm, self-control
How To Find Your Passion?-How to find your passion? That is a great question and we will discuss this today and by the end of reading this you will know exactly what your passion is and then we will show you how you can take action on your passion to serve the masses to create abundance. Sound Good?
“How to Create Massive Passive Income Streams?”-This is going to be an extremely exciting post today. We are actually going to share some of the systems we contribute to that have created MASSIVE PASSIVE INCOME.
“How to Improve your Mindset?”-It is essential to build our Council of mentors. Pick anywhere between 2-13 mentors who have achieved the level of greatness we aspire to achieve in our chosen field of service. *These mentors do not have to be alive or in our presence for this to work. Listen to these mentors on repeat.
“Do your Thoughts Create your Reality?”-If you landed here your probably wondering what does it all mean and what am I missing. From the moment light hits our eye it takes the brain 0.15 seconds to process the light into a visible image. During the 0.15 seconds there is darkness but yet we do not experience any.
“How to Conquer Life?”-We ask Harv Eker “How do we conquer life?” He responded with, If I was going to ask, “How are you?”, you would say, “Fine, or okay, or good, or great”…yes? You wouldn’t really answer the question, or you’d answer it superficially if you were like the majority of people. If I ask, “What’s going on for […]
“What is the secret to becoming rich?” 2 steps-We asked “What is the Secret to becoming Rich?” T. Harv Eker responded with, What motivates us? Either pain or pleasure, they say. Let me tell you what motivates us even deeper than that: purpose; a sense of fulfillment, of pride that what we do really helps people and is making a difference for people in […]
What Is Theta Brainwave Meditation?-“What is theta brainwave meditation?” That is a great question. I found out today and I have to say its absolutely amazing a friend recommended a 12 minute mediation. I respect his opinion so I gave it a try it was incredible. The company Zen 12 gives there first of 12 courses for free. So […]
“What is the secret of think & grow rich?”-Is This Really The Hidden Secret In Napoleon Hill’s ‘Think & Grow Rich’… Good News my Friends, For over seventy years, people have talked about the ‘secret’ hidden in Napoleon Hill’s ‘Think & Grow Rich’. Trouble was, nobody could ‘prove’ what it was. Until now.
“what is a financial freedom account?”-“what is a financial freedom account?” A Financial Freedom Account is comprised of 10% of our monthly income. It is our Golden Goose that lays us Golden Eggs. We must never spend this money this is only for investing so we can create passive streams of income. To find out more about creating passive streams of income Click here or hit the […]